The client acknowledges that by appointing Advanced Employment Concepts/A.E.C. Office Services (hereinafter referred to as A.E.C.) fees are for the services provided and are subsequently non-refundable. If a client decides to discontinue use of the services they have appointed A.E.C. to perform, the client will be billed for the amount of time spent on their order prior and up to the time of cancellation. This includes any services utilised to such time, including (though not limited to) collating information, e-mails, faxes, phone calls etc. It is the client’s responsibility to notify A.E.C. immediately, and monies incurred for services provided up to the time of notification becomes due and payable immediately. Failure by the client to notify A.E.C. of the cancellation will not entitle the client to a full reimbursement of the fee. A.E.C.s current rate charge is $160.00 per hour pro-rata. Prior to drafts being emailed for a client’s review payments made by credit card will be pre-authorised and charged. If at the time of pre-authorising a card payment is declined, a cost of $10.00 will be charged per each decline on top of the package cost to cover our bank charge fees and administrative costs.

All services will be completed in a timely manner, subject to acts of God, equipment failure, or circumstances, which are beyond A.E.C. control. A.E.C. Office Services Credit Card Application Form must be completed by the client and faxed to our office, at which time the Bankers will be contacted for pre-approval of the agreed quoted fee. Once the first draft has been completed, A.E.C. will email the document to the client for review, comment and editing. At this time, the client will read through the document carefully, and advise A.E.C. as soon as possible, of any amendments or adjustments required. Each client is hereby advised that failure of the client to respond within seven (7) days of the receipt of this draft will be deemed as a completed project, with no necessary adjustments/alterations required. After this time, further consultation or revisions will be subject to fees, charged at the above quoted pro-rata rate.

A.E.C. advises that quotations and prices stated on this website are good for 60 days from the date the order has been placed. If a project is ordered and resumed after 60 days from the original order date, if new pricing levels have taken place, they will become applicable.

A.E.C. cannot be held liable for information obtained from a client that is inaccurate or incorrect as A.E.C. does not research or confirm accuracy of the information provided by the client. A.E.C.s’ liability is limited to completion of work and assumes no liability after the resume, cover letter or any other document A.E.C. has agreed to develop for the client, has been proofread, revised and received advice from the client that all is accurate. A.E.C.s’ goal is to provide the best possible professional marketing package for each client, and it is in the client’s best interest to supply A.E.C. with all requested information and to work collaboratively with us to complete a customised package that reflects their achievements, value and career information.  The client also acknowledges that the product A.E.C. develops for them will remain the intellectual property of A.E.C. and is bound by copyright law, which prevents the client from allowing a third-party to utilise any of the material  or final product developed by A.E.C.

Coaching for Businesses

Coaching is essential for business because it contributes to developing skilled and motivated employees. It fosters a positive workplace culture, helps businesses achieve goals, and keeps them competitive in dynamic markets.

It’s an investment that can yield significant returns in terms of improved performance, innovation, and satisfaction. Check some of the companies that have been helped by CoachAva: